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Ædelhard Spring/Summer 2020 Playlist

Are you tired of listening to the same playlist on repeat everyday? We understand the struggle of working from home and trying to avoid all distractions while remaining productive. Let us help you make the most of your WFH situation with our Springtime 2020 Spotify playlist recommendations. Whatever the mood or activity you may be doing, we’ve listed our favourite options that we have on repeat. Check them out below!

WFH: If you want to listen to music while you work from home without getting distracted, Pop Instrumental Covers is the perfect playlist to choose. Take it from someone who’s gone through countless instrumental playlists and white noise tracks, this is an all-time favourite.

At-Home Vacation: Since the odds of you escaping to a tropical vacation this year are slim to none, let Tropical House 2020 Hits make you feel like you’re already there without leaving your home. If you can’t go to the tropics, you may as well bring them to you!

Morning Commute: Your morning commute to the kitchen and then to the dining table may be strenuous, but you may as well start it on a positive note. Happy Beats is the upbeat playlist to get you in a good mood before you even flip open your laptop.

Midday Blues: The lethargy is at an all time high once your lunch break ends and you’re back to work. We recommend that the best way to wash away your blues is to crush a few rock anthems to get your mindset up and running before the second half of your day. Rock Your Block will make sure your afternoon finishes just as strong as your morning started.

Shower Concert: Whether you’re a morning or evening shower-er, a loud in-shower concert from time to time is good for the soul. Songs to Sing in the Shower is exactly what you expect. Re-discover past favourite hits and come out feeling clean and tranquil.

Spring Cleaning: What better time to do your annual spring cleaning spree than when stuck in quarantine? Cleaning Motivation will kick you into high gear and motivate you to make your home the cleanest it has ever been.

Quarantine Party: Your social distancing party over Zoom is incomplete until you incorporate the playlist that’s gone viral for its uncanny song choices: COVID-19 Quarantine Party.